Thursday, June 3, 2010

DNA evidence Leads to Second Death Sentence for Tim Hennis

Kathryn (Katie) Eastburn, and her two daughters, Kara and Erin, were brutally murdered near Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, NC on May,9 1985. Her third child, Jana, was left unharmed, but in danger of dehydration, in her crib.

Could a man who spent the weekend of the murders building a dollhouse for his own daughter be responsible for slashing a mother and two small children to death? The answer, according to the Army, is a resounding yes. Tim Hennis was found guilty of the crime and sentenced to death in a court-martial proceeding in April of 2010.

Hennis went through two civilian trials in the Eighties. The first one ended in a guilty verdict and a death sentence. Several years later, Hennis won a new trial in which he was found not guilty. The only evidence against Hennis in these trials was questionable eye witness testimony.

Fast forward about twenty years. DNA technology had burst on the scene. When the original material from the rape kit taken from Katie Eastburn was sent for testing. The DNA pointed to Tim Hennis. The Army brought him out of retirement to charge him, once again, of the three murders. The military has a separate justice system and can try it's members independent of the civilian justice system, therefore double jeopardy does not attach.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cold Case in Berkley - PeterJohn McColl Missing

Peter John McColl age progressed image

On August 28, 1995, 16 year old Peter John McColl left his home at 10:30 am saying he was going to a bookstore on Telegraph Avenue in North Berkeley.

By 11:38,when McColl hadn't returned, worried family members called police to report him missing.

Anyone with information should call the Berkley police homicide division at 510-981-5741 or 510-981-5900.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Boy, Casey Anthony has a lot on her mind

I've been reading through the recently released jailhouse letters written be accused child killer Casey Anthony, now my right eye seems to be twitching ever so slightly. I hope that's normal.
First of all, Casey has found Jesus, but still seems to have no clue as to how to reach "Zany" or"Zanny" or whoever the hell she isn't. She's now sure this imaginary friend didn't have anything to do with hurting Caylee. She does still wish the babysitter hadn't taken Caylee without telling her where they were, as this got in the way of Casey's plans to move away with Caylee. Wait a sec, I need a drink.

Okay, I'm back, but this one may make me throw up yet. Casey, it seems, likes humorous stories about how one should go about disposing of dead, decomposing monkeys.

Along with finding Jesus and hilarious internet stories about decaying corpses to send to her jail buddies, she has recovered memories of being molested as a child by both her brother and father.

She also shares a joke that must have killed at Bible Study:

That's not all that's weighing on Casey's mind, though. She's not sure which color to color her hair, she's making plans for an RV trip with a friend, deciding which movies to watch during her fantasy "Got Away with Murder" slumber party (her first choice is Dumb and Dumber, by the way, and that seems about right), and I've saved the holy bat shit, Batman! moment for almost last. She wants:
I haven't read all the letters yet. It's too much for one sitting, but I did find one bit of advice she gave to a friend that seems to some up her entire being...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Deshawn Peake, Dearia Glover missing in Cincinnati

Deshawn Peake

Dearia Glover

Police are looking for two Cincinnati Teens who have gone missing. The disappearances are unrelated.

Call police at 513-765-1212 or Crimestoppers at 513-352-3040 with any information

Search Underway For Missing Teen

Family of Ray Charles Dean seek help in finding his body

Ray Charles Dean fell through the ice of the Mississippi River near Ft Madison Indiana last month under strange circumstances. His family desperately Want to find his body.

If You have any information or if you would like to volunteer you can call Dawn Dean 563-263-0162

Final efforts from family of missing man

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stop Burnett and Fogleman!

John Fogleman for Arkansas Supreme Court? NO!!! This cannot happen.

David Burnett for Arkansas State Senate? NO!!!

I have joined the Facebook page Stop Burnett and Fogleman!, I think you should,too!

I'm against the Death Penlty, but...

Paul Warner is scheduled to die in Virginia's electric chair tonight. If ever there was a poster child for the death penalty, this guy's it. I still don't believe in the death penalty, but don't think I'll be shedding any tears for this one.

Execution Scheduled For Thursday

Mom talks about coming execution of daughter's killer

Timothy Boland pleads guily to manslaughter

Timothy Boland pleaded guilty to first degree manslaughter in the September 18, 2008 death of Natasha Waalen. His brother,Ryan, said that Tim Boland beat Waalen on the head with a baseball bat after the two argued about Timothy's role in her brother and father's arrests on drug charges.

Tim is scheduled to be sentenced on April 21st.

Missing Mom and Son in Seattle

Kat Smiley and Azriel Carver are missing after their van was found along the Puget Sound shoreline. Items have been found washed up on the beach not far from the Van. An inhaler, and a corked wine bottle are among those items. Police are now trying to figure out if those items are linked to the missing mother and son. Smiley did buy a bottle of wine Saturday, and Carver did use an inhaler.

Her fiance says she is a recovering alcoholic and that she relapsed last week.

The Strange case of Major Bashinsky

63 year old Major Bashinsky went missing Wednesday, March 3rd 2010. The next day letters arrived at his home and Golden Enterprises, the company his father founded, complaining of dividends the Bashinsky family receive from the company.

His daughter found his car Sunday, March 7 in South Birmingham. Police found a duplicate letter of the ones sent to his wife and other family members taped to the inside of the car along with a bag of Golden Flakes potato chips.

Now a body believed to be that of Bashinksy has been found in a lake near Highland Park Golf Course. Three golfers reported a floating bag to police. The bag held the remains of a man. Confirmation of the identity is expected at any time.
A: Area Car was found
B:Area where body was found

Mommy's Little Girl:Casey Anthony and Her Daughter Caylee's Tragic End Review

This book begins with George Anthony stopping by the post office on July 15, 2008 to pick up registered letter. That letter would be the beginning of a nightmare that continues to this day for the Anthony family, their friends, and, to a lesser extent, everyone who has come to know the story of little Caylee Marie Anthony.

The letter informed him that his car was at an impound lot in Orlando. When he went to pick up the car, it was permeated with the smell of death. No one can know what kind of psychological storm was set off in the minds George and his wife, Cindy,by that nauseous smell. They had not seen or even heard the voice of their two year old Granddaughter, Kaylee, in almost a month.

Casey Anthony had been telling her parents for weeks that the baby was with "Zanny the nanny," or she was sleeping when they called so they couldn't talk to her.

A panic stricken Cindy called 911 and reported the child, who had been gone for a month, missing.

The story continues with Casey's beyond bizarre behavior and stories. She told police she worked with Juliette Lewis at Universal. She and and Juliette were both event planners, and best friends, although Casey didn't have a number for her right off hand.

It's hard to imagine someone acting as bizarrely as she did when speaking with police. Almost everything she said was easily dis proven.

This book is a fascinating read for anyone intersted in the case. It ends a short time after the discovery of Caylee's body,and chronicles the strange family dynamic that evolves.

Mommy's Little Girl on Ebay

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ronald Lee Riggs of Ridgeway, VA Missing

Ronald Lee Riggs
Last seen:2:00PM Sunday, Feb. 14 in Bassett, VA
Driving:1991 Mercury Topaz four-door sedan with Virginia License plate KBZ-1404.
Clothes:Ball cap, denim button-up work shirt, blue jeans and brown work boots.

Riggs was supposed to be at a construction job on Monday in Gaffney, S.C., but never arrived.

Henry County Sheriff's Office- 638-8751

Good News! Ronald Lee Riggs showed up. Evidently, didn't even know about all the hubbub :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

No Justice for Jason Balwin, Jessie Misskelley Jr., Stevie Branch, Michael Moore, or Christopher Byers

In a decision that surprises no one, Judge David Burnette rejected motions filed for new trials for Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley Jr. Wednesday.

Stevie Branch, Michael Moore, and Christopher Byers were brutalized and murdered before being discarded in a drainage ditch in 1993. Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Miskelley Jr. were arrested after police obtained a error laden "confession" to the murders from Miskelley after hours of interrogation.

New DNA evidence points to other possible suspects, including one of the murdered boys' stepfather.

These men deserve new trials, at the very least. The killer or killers of these three boys may be walking the streets, and three men, one of them facing lethal injection, may be sitting in an Arkansas prison innocent of the crime.

For more information on the case visit