Friday, September 12, 2008

Toni Lawrence is "happy with life right now..."

Toni Lawrence walked out of prison in 2ooo after serving nine years of a twenty year sentence for criminal confinement for her inlovement in the 1992 torture slaying of twelve year old Shanda Sharer

Full Case Details

Toni went back to Madison Indiana to start her new life. She is now 32 years old and is reported to have two children. Evidently, things must be going pretty well. On her Myspace page she states "Toni is happy with life right now"

Toni Lawrence's myspace page


  1. She is just a murderer and her children will learn what a awful animal (one of a kind worst specie that ever existed) their mother is. I hope she gets justice from God since judges reward criminals like her with freedom!

    1. She wasn't a murderer she was a scared little kid got caught up in something that she couldn't stop. And the bring up her children saying they will learn what a animal she is. Unless you know her personally stop talking about her her children will grow up to be loved

  2. I hope she has a girl so every time she sees her remembers what she did to her victim. They should be sentenced to death instead but the lay system like always proved to be in favor of murderers instead of the victims. How can someone be allowed to live after committing such a horrendous crime to a 12 years old little innocent girl who still covered with blood had the strength to call her mommie? But guess what? She is dead thanks to people like Toni Lawrence!!!! Whatever... It makes no sense to talk about this.

    1. If you know the details that well, you know she refused to participate in the entire assault, never touched Shanda, and went to the police afterwards.
      Yet you feel so justified to unleash cruelty on this person you don't know.
      Maybe you're not so different.

  3. I wrote an email to myspace asking them to remove that monster from their site. I hope she gets hate messages every day. Although, she's going to hell anyway.

  4. She made it so her myspace will only accept messages from "friends" Who the F*** would want to be friends with that monster? How could she sit there and put on that evil smile and not feel any remorse? Behind those icy blue eyes...UGH. She looks scary.

  5. She shouldn't appear smiling after what happened.

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  11. I pray she teaches her children to overcome peerpressure

  12. I have known Toni and its obvious you people don't if you were in a situation as she was think about what you would do! Blame Melinda Loveless. Toni is a good person she was young & scared! She is the one that went to her parents & police! Get your fact right! Don't cast a stone if your house isn't perfect!

    1. I read a pdf book of Letters from Prison. She truly sounds remorseful and I pray she lives well. She has paid her due for the role she played.

  13. I don't know Toni, but I do know without her the killers may never have been found. She did not participate and Shanda's mother doesn't seem to hold hate toward her, so why do you all? She went to the police knowing she would be found guilty and would be in prison for possible life, but she did it anyway to get justice for Shanda. I can only imagine a young girl scared out of her mind saying no. She did what she could, if she had been killed herself we would not know all the details and have justice for Shanda.

  14. The killers would have been found if Toni didn't go to them. The group leader even told her ex girlfriend. Noone really knows what happened that night except for the 5 girls. I do believe that Toni might have been scared, she did refuse to torture Shanda like the rest. But who stays around to witness a murder! Even if she was scared she should have left, ran and gone to the police [something!] before they ever had a chance to burn Shanda alive! Its terrible and Toni should still be in jail.

  15. Esse é o perfil atual dela no facebook.

  16. I live in Madison. This thing has never shown any remorse. As a matter of fact, her response to a tv crew who asked for an interview was, "I paid my little debt to society." Everyone in town talked big about retribution, but it was all talk.


  18. Do you people even inform yourselves before opening your mouths to spout ignorant opinions?? Toni was the LEAST involved and the ONLY girl to refuse to do ANYTHING to Shanda, not even touch her or spray Windex on her like Hope, let alone actually attack Shanda, all this DESPITE the immense peer pressure, which is enormous for a teenager. She was also the only one to turn herself in, which she did immediately, the same night!

    This is not an evil sociopathic personality-disordered monster like Melinda Loveless or Laurie Tackett. She had no idea of what Melinda had in mind & clearly would never have even taken part had she known. Nine years in an uncivilised American prison is a LONG TIME compared to every other developed country for one who refused to participate & turned over all the others in a full & truthful confession. In most countries, the actual MURDERERS themselves who don't confess & even kill multiple people sometimes don't spend much more than 9 years in prison, even more true for ADOLESCENTS who are MINORS.

    Americans are so hypocritical - the children! the children! if there's an allegation of "abuse" & yet "die child die" for a girl who didn't even attack. You Yanks are fecked in the head & just yap without any meaningful thought behind it. I agree Melinda & Laurie need to be locked away for life, but Toni's sentence was fair & lynching her won't teach kids that murder is wrong, just that they need a group to commit murder!

    1. Thank you. I’m so tired of the vengeance mentality in the US. This girl didn’t kill or hurt Shanda, was probably scared to death of the other girls and 8 years in prison is a long time to get for witnessing a murder.

  19. This is her FB page.

  20. I don't think she went to police thinking she would go to jail at all, since she didn't participate in the torture or murder at all, but the prosecution argued she had many many many times during the whole thing when she could have saved Shanda, you say she was scared but she made a phone call to a friend in the gas station, had sex at a concert and made more calls to boys during the incident without telling them anything. She was alone in the car while they were beating and torturing Shanda and could have maybe driven off for help. She and Hope were alone at Hope's house while Melinda and Laurie were driving around with Shanda in the boot in the hopes she would die in the boot. What kind of 15 year old doesn't know that's wrong. I don't think she went to the police knowing she'd end up in jail at all I think she thought she was innocent and would get off but she got nine years for criminal confinement

  21. All this happen because of jealousy and lust on wrong decision destroy 5 life's and now whole world see them through the eye of sinister

  22. I am a boy of 17 and sometimes I taught maybe I can change the history of that night all the girls are disturbed socially and mentally because of their family performence which change their mind set to overlook things as one practical joke destroys 5 life the girls should thing what they are going to do and what impact is occur from that activities I didn't understand that the girls wants to murder shades or frighten her by their activities or sometimes our decision goes wrong in anger or jealousy and as we look a biggest example in front of our eyes I am from India and I taught when I grew up I wants to visit indiana,me dion to looks that witch castle and meet laurie or Melinda once upon in a life

  23. Sunny...I have spoken to both Hope and Toni, my videos about this case is on my youtube channel "FullMoonVideo"
    I have video of the "Witches Castle" and other sites, including Lemon Rd. where Shanda was burned alive.
    You may get your wish, Laurie Tackett was released from prison this last January of 2018, and of all days, Jan 11th, the day Shanda was murdered.

  24. I think they all should still be in prison the two girls could of prevented it they could’ve called police they made other calls.
